Whatever path you took to find me, I’m grateful you’re here. 

We each have a unique food story to tell. Maybe it’s a childhood memory, a cultural tradition, or simply an expression of who we are—and who we have the potential to be. The truth is food, essential to our human existence, can hurt or heal. What we eat daily is intimately personal yet determines our physical, mental, emotional and social health. 

Nevertheless, not all food is created equal. While fundamentally, we can nourish our mind and body by making positive food choices, we lack access to good-for-you ingredients, recipes and nutrition education. Add to that genetics and biology, lifestyle and environment, and cultural and economic disparities—all of which can leave us vulnerable to essential nutrient deficiencies.

My food story started 16 years ago when my now 26-year-old son Isaiah struggled to overcome multiple health challenges.

As a single mother at age 24, time and money were scarce. I worked several jobs to pay the bills and shuttled Isaiah daily to and from daycare and school. I built our meals on the back of paycheck-friendly, ultra-processed convenience foods—cereal bars, Eggos, yogurt sticks, cheese sticks, Lunchables, cheddar Goldfish, frozen chicken nuggets, pizza, and boxed mac-and-cheese. 

There were visible signs of Isaiah’s poor physical health early on. He caught every cold, lacked energy, slept fitfully, and by the time he was in fifth grade, had inexplicable warts all over his hands and knees. His body was crying out for help from the inside out, and I was clueless. Surprisingly, his pediatrician was, too. Her only comment was that boys get warts. Her recommendation? To take Isaiah to a dermatologist who could freeze off the warts, leaving him with dozens of lifelong scars, physically and emotionally. 

Thankfully, the dermatologist asked me a question that would not only change Isaiah’s life but my own: “Warts are a virus, and the real question is, what’s wrong with his immune system that his body can’t fight it off?” I didn’t stop until I found the answer, which turned out to be intolerance to gluten and dairy. I was gaslighted by my son’s pediatrician, who dismissed my concerns and ignored my plea to uncover the root cause of Isaiah’s health issues.

I cleaned out everything in the pantry, fridge, and freezer he could no longer eat, and about two months later, Isaiah woke up and ran into the kitchen screaming, “They’re gone! Look, Mommy, the warts are gone!” I couldn’t believe my eyes—poof, gone?!

Since then, I have made it my mission to understand the interdependent relationship between food, health and humanity.

I’ve authored six gluten-free, dairy-free cookbooks, including my bestseller, Cooking for Isaiah: Gluten-Free & Dairy-Free Recipes for Easy, Delicious Meals, released in 2010. When Isaiah and I appeared on TV shows like PIX11’s “Morning News,” the first question every anchor asked was, “So, what is gluten?” 

As a pioneer in the space, I’m grateful to have helped millions of Americans feed themselves and their families. This includes not only people with food intolerances but also those with neurodivergent conditions like autism spectrum disorder and ADHD, who may benefit from avoiding gluten, dairy, and sugar to help enhance cognitive function and behavioral health. My goal as a hands-on culinary educator at cooking schools, after-school programs, and health expos has been to teach kids and adults that what we eat can directly influence our health—and still taste good—while teaching foundational cooking skills to build new habits and patterns, reduce stress, instill kitchen confidence, and develop a strong sense of agency concerning well-being. 

My strength is taking a holistic approach to collective health by asking questions and making connections across disciplines to address individual well-being.

Food can strengthen or weaken our biological functions. To expand my knowledge of health and nutrition from a systems-based, root-cause resolution approach, I am currently enrolled in the functional nutrition counselor certification program through the Functional Nutrition Alliance, accredited by the American Association of Drugless Practitioners (AADP) and the American Association of Natural Wellness Practitioners (AANWP).


While there is no one-size-fits-all solution, I seek to close the health gap by identifying the root cause of preventable, systemic nutrition and health inequities. I seek to determine and address underlying nutritional imbalances and deficiencies through deep listening, personalized nutrition and lifestyle protocols and accessible, sustainable solutions.

I hope to inspire a balanced, “well-feeling” generation that recognizes when we nourish ourselves, we evolve exponentially, creating shifts in our food choices, sleep hygiene and social connections that result in positive, lasting change. I am committed to compassionately protecting our quality of life through our universal right to access nutrient-dense foods.

I look to meet people where they are, listen mindfully, and see each person holistically and through synergistic factors that determine our health, including upbringing, culture, trauma, environment, stress, lifestyle, sleep and social connections. I aim to serve individuals and families through the shared sense of food—a critical source of intentional well-being.  



“I HAVE MORE ENERGY AND FEEL HEALTHIER. I also lost 9½ pounds on Silvana’s 7-day total mind+body reboot!” —CHRISTOPHER ZAPPALA

“I FELL IN LOVE WITH SILVANA FOR TWO REASONS: Number 1, she’s an inspired, masterful baker and cook. Number 2, all of her recipes are written with love and you can taste that in every bite!” —RACHAEL RAY

“THANK YOU FOR SHARING YOUR BLOOD, SWEAT AND TEARS. Not just the recipes, but your personal stories, too.” —ANDREA FLORES

“YOU ARE SUCH A BEAUTIFUL SPIRIT. Thank you for always being so uplifting.” —DEBORAH THOMAS

“SILVANA HAS LEARNED THAT COOKING CHALLENGES—like having a son who requires gluten-free food—have made her far more creative in the kitchen.” —TARA PARKER-POPE, The New York Times

“Silvana’s calm, confident energy MAKES ME FEEL SAFE.”

“IT’S RARE TO FIND SOMEONE AS REAL AS YOU! My family loves your recipes. Truly, they have been a blessing in our home.” —AISHA ALKHANI